Data Wrangling with Python

Python programming proficiency is the most sought-after skill in data science, and it's no wonder. With powerful statistical libraries, algorithmic capabilities, and built-in scalability, Python is the perfect language for data science. Join us for this webinar to learn all about the data wrangling capabilities that come from Python and its libraries, including NumPy, panda, Matplotlib, scikit-learn, and PySpark.

In this data wrangling with Python on-demand webinar, you'll see:

  • Why Python is the preferred language for data science
  • How Python enables scientific and engineering programming
  • Examples of Python data visualizations
  • What it takes to get started in machine learning algorithms
  • How Python can scale data so large, it would not fit in the memory of a single computer


Watch this on-demand webinar and discover how a proactive approach and leadership style can help you lead your virtual team to success.

[Webinar ID #1116]

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Chris Mawata Ph.D.

Chris has over 30 years of IT experience, including 17 years of teaching at the university level, and 15 years of training Java and Big Data programmers. As a Learning Tree instructor, Chris has authored four courses. As a consultant, he runs a 20-node cluster on which he has several Big Data frameworks installed. He has published peer-reviewed papers in image processing, artificial intelligence, and pure mathematics.

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