SharePoint Courses
Learning Tree's SharePoint Courses enable learners to create, manage, and customize websites and content with a variety of SharePoint platforms, while also developing no-code custom business applications and automating processes. These courses also cover various SharePoint versions, including 2019 and 2016, teaching content management, hybrid administration, dashboard creation, InfoPath forms, workflows, and records management.
5-day program for developing using Apex and Visualforce in Lightning (DEX450). Hands-on experience customizing UI.
programmatic development, Apex, Visualforce, Lightning Experience, customize applications, Salesforce platform, hands-on experience, data objects, sObjects, retrieve data, manipulate data, store data, custom logic, Apex triggers, Apex classes, testing framework, declarative customizations, multi-tenant platform, designing solutions, complex trigger, user interface, new to Salesforce platform, business logic, Trailmix, programatic development, Apax, Visualforce, Lightening Experience, custimize applications, Sales Force platform, data objects, s-Objects, retrive data, manipulat data, store data, Apex trigers, Apex clasess, testing framwork, declarative custimizations, multi-tenent platform, desiging solutions, user interfase, new to Sales Force platform, busines logic.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $5,672 -
This 5-day Administrative Essentials for New Admins in Lightning Experience (ADX201) Training is the core training that ensures your success with Salesforce Lightning.
Administrative Essentials, New Admins, Lightning Experience, ADX201, Training, setup, configuration, maintenance, Salesforce applications, power users, sales operations, IT managers, Trailmix, Trailhead Academy, Pre-work Adminstrative Essentials New Admin Lightening Experience ADX 201 Tralmix Trailhead Accademy Prework
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $5,672 -
Enroll in the NetScaler ADC 14.x Administration (NS-201) 5-day course to master NetScaler features and improve your IT skills.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $6,302 -
In this 5-day Citrix course, learn secure remote access with Citrix Virtual Apps, Desktops, and Gateway.
Citrix ADC, Citrix Gateway, load balancing, high availability, operations management, remote access, secure access, Virtual Apps, Desktops, networking, TCP/IP, HTTP, OSI model, network devices, networking protocols, administrators, engineers, architects, deployment, management
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $6,301 -
Learn to use Salesforce Lightning's 'clicks not code' to create custom apps in just 5 days!
Lightning Experience, custom applications, existing applications, objects, fields, UI customization, automation tools, security, app deployment, programmers, point-and-click developers, declarative development, platform, clicks not code, training, DEX403, Salesforce, Lightening Experience, declarative development, app deployement, click not code.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $5,672 -
Master collaboration platform administration with our CLACE course. Learn to optimize user experience, ensure security, and troubleshoot issues effectively.
Administering Collaboration Environments, CLACE, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection, CMA, UCA, IP Phones, Users, Dial Plan, Features, Jabber administration, Configuration settings, Instructor-led lectures, Lab tasks, Version 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, E-kit, Digital format, Web browser, Internet connection, Traditional PBX systems, Telephony concepts, Windows operating system, Internet browsers, PSTN operations, Voice-mail administration tasks, English. Administering Collaboration Enviroments, CLACE, Cisco Unified Communicatons Manager, Cisco Unity Connnection, Jabber administraton.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $5,420 -
Attend this 3-day hands-on Introduction to Adobe Acrobat 2024 course & learn to convert your work into Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
Introduction to Adobe Acrobat DC Training, Acrobat Fundamentals: An Introduction to Acrobat DC, Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat DC, PDF conversion, cross-platform distribution, document design, text incorporation, note incorporation, graphics incorporation, movie incorporation, internet links incorporation, menu, tools, efficiency, training, course, overview, Portable Document Format, distribution, document efficiency, Adobe tools, Adobe training Abode Acrobat, Acrobatic DC, PDF convertion, croos-platform distribution, documen desgn, text incorpration, note incorpotarion, grahics incorporatoin, movi incorporatoin, internt links incorporation, menue, tooles, efficeincy, traning, overveiw, Portabel Document Format, distributin, documen efficeinicy, Abode toles, Abode traning
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
Attend this 3-day Introduction to Adobe Captivate course & learn the core Adobe Captivate skills needed to create interactive eLearning & mLearning content.
Introduction to Adobe Captivate, Adobe Captivate training, eLearning, mLearning, soft-skills lesson, step-by-step instructions, software demonstrations, interactive training simulations, e-learning projects, demonstration, simulation, SCORM-compliant quiz, intermediate Captivate course, Beyond the EssentialsIntrodution to Adobe Captivate, Adoba Captivate training, e-lerning, m-lerning, soft-skills lession, SCORM compliant quiz, intemediate Captive course, Beyond the Essentails.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
Attend this 2-day intermediate Adobe Captivate course & learn the core Adobe Captivate skills needed to create interactive eLearning and mLearning content.
Adobe Captivate Training, Intermediate Adobe Captivate Training, Introduction to Adobe Captivate Training, Object styles, Master slides, Themes, Advanced actions, Variables, Branching scenarios, Accessibility text, Closed captions, Section 508 compliance, eLearning, mLearning, Adobe Captivate Essentials, Captivate Training. Adob Captivate Training, Adobe Captivaite Training, Adove Captivate Training, Adobe Captaveit Training, Addobe Captivate Traning, Intermediate Advance Adobe Captivate Training, Accesibility text, Clozed captions, m-Learning, c-Learning, Adobe Captivity Training.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,002 -
Learn to build & maintain dynamic & interactive web applications using ColdFusion 10 in this 3-day, hands-on Fast Track to ColdFusion 10
ColdFusion 10, web development, dynamic web applications, interactive web applications, web terminology, web server characteristics, HTML tag set, HTML syntax, SQL command set, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, web development training, ColdFusion training, web application development
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
This advanced hands-on, 3-day ColdFusion 10 course will teach you to build, maintain, and scale effective, well-performing web applications.
Advanced ColdFusion, ColdFusion application developers, Application Framework, advanced queries, complex data, arrays, structures, ColdFusion Components, errors, exceptions, user-interface, custom tags, Java code libraries, interactive interfaces, Flash Forms, web services, XML documents, scalable applications, Fast Track to ColdFusion 10, CFML tags, SQL command set, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, Cold Fusion, ColdFussion, ColdFushion, ColdFuson, ColdFusin, ColdFusoin
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
Web designers will learn to build & manage professional websites with Dreamweaver CC in this hands-on, 4-day Introduction to Dreamweaver CC course.
Adobe Dreamweaver, web design software, visual interface, HTML websites, mobile apps, Introduction to Dreamweaver, web designers, knowledge, hands-on practice, build, manage, professional websites, Mac OS X, Windows skills, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dreamweaver fundamentals, Dreamweaver CC, adobe dreamwever, web desing, html webistes, moblie apps, dreamwever CC
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,206 -
This hands-on, 2-day advanced Photoshop course trains photographers and designers how to catalogue their work as well as how to enhance their photographs.
Photoshop, training, print, photography, experienced users, effectiveness, Photoshop CC, photographers, designers, catalogue, enhance, instructor-led, demonstration, hands-on practice, computers, Mac OS X, Windows skills, Photoshop Fundamentals, Introduction to Photoshop, equivalent experience, fotography, fotografy, fotographi, fotografhy, fotografi, photografy, photografi, photograhy, fotograpy, fotograpyh
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,002 -
This hands-on, 2-day advanced Photoshop course will enhance the knowledge of Photoshop professionals to work with web and video images more effectively.
Advanced Photoshop Training, Web and Video, experienced users, effectiveness, work with web, work with video, instructor-led demonstration, hands-on practice, practical working knowledge, computers, basic Mac OS X, Windows skills, Photoshop Fundamentals, Introduction to Photoshop class, equivalent experience, Advanced Photosop Training, Web and Vedieo, experinced users, efectiveness, work with web, work with vedio, intructor-led demostration, hands-on practic, practicle working knowlege, computrs, basic Mac OS, Windows skils, Photosop Fundamentals, Introdution to Photosop class, equivalent experiance.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,002 -
Attend this Introduction to Adobe Illustrator training for a thorough overview of the interface, tools, features & tips & tricks of Illustrator CC.
Adobe Illustrator CC, design tool, print, web, medium, interface, tools, features, techniques, tips, tricks, instructor-led, hands-on practice, Adobe certified instructors, visual effects, workflow, computers, Mac OS X, Windows, Photoshop Fundamentals, equivalent experience, Adob Illustrator CC, Illistrator, Adove Illustrator, Adob Illistrator CC, Illistrator CC, Adobe Illistrator, Adobe Illistrator CC
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
Attend this advanced Adobe Illustrator training course & learn advanced Illustrator CC techniques to incorporate visual effects into your workflow.
Adobe Illustrator, Illustrator CC, Advanced Illustrator, Illustrator training, Adobe Certified Instructor, visual effects, Mac OS X, Windows skills, Illustrator Fundamentals, Introduction to Illustrator, Photoshop Fundamentals, Introduction to Photoshop, workflow. Adobe Illistrator, Illistrator CC, Advenced Illustrator, Illistrator traning, Adobe Certified Instructor, visual affects, Mac OSX, Windowskills, Illistrator Fundamentals, Introduction to Illistrator, Photoshop Fundamentals, Introduction to Photosop, work flow.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,002 -
Attend this Introduction to Adobe InDesign training for a thorough overview of the interface, tools, features & tips & tricks of InDesign CC.
Adobe InDesign, InDesign CC, professional designers, creative freedom, productivity, precision, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, integrated design environment, interface, tools, features, production tips, page layout, instructor-led demonstration, hands-on practice, computers, Mac OS X, Windows skills, Photoshop Fundamentals, equivalent experience, Introduction to InDesign, InDesign Fundamentals, Indesign, InDesignCC, Adobe Indesign, Adobe InDesignCC
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
Attend this advanced Adobe InDesign training course & learn advanced InDesign CC techniques to incorporate visual effects into your workflow.
Adobe InDesign, InDesign CC, InDesign training, advanced InDesign, page layout, design, production tips, interface, tools, features, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, creative process, instructor-led demonstration, hands-on practice, computers, Mac OS X, Windows skills, InDesign Fundamentals, Photoshop Fundamentals, professional designers, creative freedom, productivity, precision, superb pages, InDesign, InDesignCC, InDesign training, InDesign training course, InDesign class, InDesign CC training, InDesign CC course, InDesign course
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,002 -
Attend this Introduction to Photoshop training course for a thorough overview of the interface, tools, features, tricks & tips for using Adobe Photoshop CC.
Photoshop training, Photoshop course, Photoshop tutorial, Photoshop classes, Photoshop workshop, Photoshop lessons, Photoshop education, Photoshop instruction, Photoshop guidance, Photoshop coaching, Photoshop mentoring, Photoshop practice, Photoshop skills, Photoshop techniques, Photoshop tips, Photoshop tricks, Photoshop tools, Photoshop interface, Photoshop features, Photoshop overview, Photoshop basics, Photoshop fundamentals, Photoshop introduction, Photoshop for beginners, Photoshop for dummies, Photoshop 101, Photoshop training program, Photoshop training session, Photoshop training class, Photoshop training workshop, Photoshop training seminar, Photoshop training institute, Photoshop training center, Photoshop training school, Photoshop learning, Photoshop education program, Photoshop education course, Photoshop education class, Photoshop education workshop, Photoshop education seminar, Photoshop education institute, Photoshop education center, Photoshop education school, Photoshop navigation, Photoshop menu, Photoshop toolbar, Photoshop panel, Photoshop workspace, Photoshop screen, Photoshop window, Photoshop tab, Photoshop shortcut, Photoshop hotkey, Photoshop keystroke, Photoshop command, Photoshop function, Photoshop tool options, Photoshop layer, Photoshop mask, Photoshop selection, Photoshop filter, Photoshop adjustment, Photoshop effect, Photoshop retouching, Photoshop restoration, Photoshop manipulation, Photoshop composition, Photoshop design, Photoshop graphics, Photoshop image, Photoshop photo, Photoshop picture, Photoshop artwork, Photoshop project, Photoshop assignment, Photoshop task, Photoshop exercise, Photoshop exam, Photoshop certification, Photoshop diploma, Photoshop degree, Photoshop qualification, Photoshop accreditation, Photoshop credential, Photoshop proficiency, Photoshop mastery Photosop training, Photosop course, Photosop tutorial, Photosop classes, Photosop workshop, Photosop lessons, Photosop education, Photosop instruction, Photosop guidance, Photosop coaching, Photosop mentoring, Photosop practice, Photosop skills, Photosop techniques, Photosop tips, Photosop tricks, Photosop tools, Photosop interface, Photosop features, Photosop overview, Photosop basics, Photosop fundamentals, Photosop introduction, Photosop for beginners, Photosop for dummies, Photosop 101, Photosop training program, Photosop training session, Photosop training class, Photosop training workshop, Photosop training seminar, Photosop training institute, Photosop training center, Photosop training school, Photosop learning, Photosop education program, Photosop education course, Photosop education class, Photosop education workshop, Photosop education seminar, Photosop education institute, Photosop education center, Photosop education school, Photosop navigation, Photosop menu, Photosop toolbar, Photosop panel, Photosop workspace, Photosop screen, Photosop window, Photosop tab, Photosop shortcut, Photosop hotkey, Photosop keystroke, Photosop command, Photosop function, Photosop tool options, Photosop layer, Photosop mask,
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
Learn Adobe After Effects CC & create stunning visual effects & motion graphics quickly. Join our intro course now!
Introduction, Adobe After Effects CC, training, cinematic visual effects, motion graphics, Global Performance Cache, creativity, text, shape extrusion, mask feathering, computers, Mac OS X, Windows, Photoshop Fundamentals, equivalent experience, practical working knowledge, After Effects CC. Introduktion Adob After Effects trining cinimatic, visual, efects moton graphics Creativtiy tex, shap, extrution mask fettering Mac OS, Windos Photosop, Fundamentls, equivelent, experiance pratical, working, knowlege After Affects CC
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
Learn to add text, graphics & effects to your movies with our intermediate Adobe After Effects course for videographers & graphic artists.
Adobe After Effects, intermediate course, videographer, graphic artist, animator, text, graphics, effects, movies, menu, tools, efficiency, practical knowledge, computers, Mac OS X, Windows, introduction, Photoshop Fundamentals, recommended, adobe after efects, adobe affter effects, adobe affter efects, adobe after efect, adobe affter efect, adobe affter efects cc, adobe after effects cc, adobe affter effects cc, adobe after efects training, adobe affter effects training, adobe affter efects training, adobe after efect training, adobe affter efect training, adobe affter effects cc training, adobe after effects cc training, adobe affter effects cc training.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,002 -
Unlock your creative potential with Advanced Adobe After Effects CC course. Master powerful motion graphics and visual effects techniques.
Adobe After Effects, advanced course, text, graphics, effects, movies, menu, tools, efficiency, videographer, graphic artist, animator, practical working knowledge, computers, Mac OS X, Windows skills, introduction, intermediate, Photoshop Fundamentals, adobe after efects, aftereffects, adobe affter effects, advanced adobe after efects, adobe after efects training, adobe after effects cc, adobe after effects advanced course, adobe after effects text, adobe after effects graphics, adobe after effects movies, adobe after effects menu, adobe after effects tools, adobe after effects efficiency, adobe after effects videographer, adobe after effects graphic artist, adobe after effects animator, adobe after effects practical working knowledge, adobe after effects computers, adobe after effects mac os x, adobe after effects windows skills, adobe after effects introduction, adobe after effects intermediate, adobe after effects photoshop fundamentals.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,002 -
Attend this 3-day Premiere Pro CC Introduction for a thorough overview of the interface, tools, features, and production flow for Premiere Pro CC.
Premiere Pro, Premiere Pro CC, video editing, video production, nonlinear editing, video software, Adobe Premiere, video tools, audio editing, real-time editing, Mac OS X, Windows, editing terminology, hands-on practice, instructor-led demonstration, production flow, video features, video interface, video production control, video precision, video production knowledge, video production skills, video production techniques. Primiere Pro, Preimere Pro, Preimiere Pro CC, Preimiere, Adob Premiere, non-linear editing, video edditing, video edting, vidoe editing, video producion, video prodution.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
Attend this 2-day Advanced Premiere Pro CC Training for a thorough overview of the interface, tools, features, and production flow for using Premiere Pro.
Premiere Pro CC, advanced training, interface, tools, features, production flow, nonlinear video editing, instructor-led demonstration, hands-on practice, basic editing functions, user interface, real-time video editing, audio editing tools, precise control, production, working knowledge, computers, Mac OS X, Windows skills, introduction, recommended, equivalent experience, premiere pro, advanced, training, video editing, audio editing, non-linear editing, interface, tools, features, production, instructor-led, demonstration, hands-on, practice, basic, functions, user, real-time, audio, precise, control, working, knowledge, computer, Mac, Windows, skills, introduction, recommended, experience, Premiere, Pro, CC, advanced, training, video, editing, audio, non-linear.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,002 -
Learn WordPress in just 2 days - designed for web designers to implement and maintain a WordPress site.
WordPress, training, web designers, skills, tools, knowledge, implement, maintain, install, configure, troubleshoot, lectures, hands-on exercises, practical, real-world experience, Windows, Mac OS X, Operating System, basic web knowledge, Word Press, traning, desingers, knoledge, troublshoot, experiance, windos, Mac OS
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,506 -
This hands-on Migrating to AWS course focuses on planning and migrating existing workloads to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.
AWS Cloud, cloud migration, migration strategies, portfolio discovery, application migration planning, migration process, post-migration validation, application optimization, hands-on labs, organization, AWS Clod, clod migration, migrashun, portfollio discovery, application migrashun, post migrashun, app optimization
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,885 -
This AWS Business Essentials course helps IT decision–makers understand the benefits of cloud computing & how a cloud strategy can help your business.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, cloud computing, cloud strategy, IT, business objectives, financial benefits, compliance, security, cloud computing strategy, AWW, Amozan Web Services, cloude computing, clound strategy, busniess objectives, finacial benefits, complience, secuity, cloude computing strategy.
FoundationLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
The AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials course focuses on overall understanding of the AWS Cloud & helps you prepare for the Practitioner exam.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, Cloud, Cloud Practitioner, Essentials, course, individuals, understanding, technical roles, concepts, services, security, architecture, pricing, support, knowledge, Certified Cloud Practitioner, exam, AWs, Amazone Web Services, Clod, Cloude, Practisioner, Esentials, corse, indivduals, technicl, rols, concpts, servics, securty, archtecture, prcing, supprt, knwledge, Certifid Clod Practitiner, exm
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
This AWS Technical Essentials course introduces you to AWS products, services, & common solutions to help you make decisions & get started working on AWS.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, products, services, solutions, fundamentals, proficient, identifying, informed decisions, IT solutions, business requirements, working on AWS, AW, Amazone Web Services, solutons, buisness requirements
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Attend this SAP ADM100 course & get acquainted with a broad spectrum of administrative activities for AS ABAP based SAP Systems.
SAP systems, ADM100, system administration, SAP Business Suite, SAP S/4HANA, administrative activities, AS ABAP, start and stop SAP systems, configure SAP systems, manage users, create backups, system maintenance, operation system, administrative rights, SAP ADM100 training, smooth operations, technological platform SAP systms ADM10 system adminstration SAP Busness Suite SAP S/4HANA administrativ activites AS ABP start and stop SAP systms confgure SAP systms manage usrs create bakups system-maintenace operation systm administrative rghts SAP ADM10 training smoth oprations technologial platform
Online or In-classStarts from $5,505 -
Attend this ABAP Workbench Foundations course & learn to work with the ABAP Workbench tools in order to undertake custom developments with confidence.
ABAP, workbench, foundations, training, programming, language, custom developments, SAP S/4HANA, SAP Business Suite, SAPTEC, fundamental concepts, ABAP Workbench tools, confidence, comfortable, efficiently, undertake, experience, technology fundamentals, previous programming language experience, attend, detailed knowledge, Introduction to Programming with ABAP, essential. ABAB workbenchs fundations traning programing langage custom developements SAP S4/HANA SAP Busines Suite SAPTECH ABAP Workbench tolos confortable efficently undertke experiance tecnology fundamentals attende detaled knowlege Introdution to Programming with ABAP essencial.
Online or In-classStarts from $5,065 -
Attend this 2-day BusinessObjects Web Intelligence course & learn to use SAP BusinessObjects BI launch pad & Web Intelligence to access, analyze & share data.
SAP BusinessObjects, BI launch pad, Web Intelligence, report design, data analysis, data retrieval, queries, universes, document enhancement, document organization, document management, document distribution, reporting needs, instructor-led, comprehensive skills, in-depth knowledge, formal prerequisites SAP Business Objects, BI launchpad, WebIntelligence, report designing, data analyses, data retrieval, queries, universe, document enhancing, document organizing, document managing, document distributing, reporting, instructor lead, comprehensive skill, in-depth knowledge, formal prerequisite
Online or In-classStarts from $2,202 -
Attend this 2-day BusinessObjects Web Intelligence Report Design II course & learn to create complex documents using advanced query & reporting techniques.
SAP BusinessObjects, Web Intelligence, Report Design, query, reporting, combined queries, sub-queries, character functions, date string functions, variables, calculation contexts, hyperlink, BOW310, BOW320, BuisnessObjects, Web Intellignce, Reprot Design, querry, reportng, combind queries, subquerry, carachter functions, date strng functions, varibles, calculatoin contexts, hyperlnk.
Online or In-classStarts from $2,202 -
Attend this SAP HANA introduction & learn the basics of SAP HANA architecture, database modeling, and data acquisition & how it powers applications.
SAP HANA, introduction, training, architecture, database modeling, data acquisition, S/4HANA, Business Suite, SAP BI tools, SAP BW, native application development, foundation knowledge, key capabilities, IT, business context, SAP HANNA, intrduction, traning, archtecture, databse modeling, data aquistion, S/4 HANA, Busines Suite, SAP BI tols, SAP BW, native apllication development, fundation knowledge, key capabilites, buisness context
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,303 -
Attend this SAP HA200 course & learn the database admin tasks such as installing, updating & operating a SAP HANA 2.0 SPS00 database using SAP HANA Cockpit.
SAP HANA, HANA 2.0, installation, administration, training, SPS00, SPS12, solution release, database, update, operate, SAP HANA Cockpit, database administration, system administrator, configuration, troubleshooting, multitenant configuration, high-availability setup, formal prerequisites, help desk, CoE support, technology consultant SAP HANNA HANA 2 instalation adminstration tranning SPS 00/12 databse upate oparate SAP HANA Cockpit system administrater congiguration trouble shooting multi-tenent configuration high-availabilty setup formal prerequisits helpdesk CoE suport technology consultent
Online or In-classStarts from $5,505 -
Attend this 5-day SAP HA300 training course & learn the core capabilities of SAP HANA for modeling including Graphical modeling & Core Data Services.
SAP HANA Modeling, Graphical modeling, SQL-based modeling, table functions, procedures, Core Data Services, persistence layer, SAP Web IDE, object access security, data access security, advanced data processing, text modeling, spatial modeling, predictive modeling, graph modeling, SAP HANA Live, HA100, HA300, SAP HANA Introduction. SAP HANNA modeling, Graphical modling, SQL-based modling, table fuctions, procedurs, Core Data Servces, persistance layer, SAP Web IDE, object access securty, data access securty, advnced data processing, text modling, spacial modling, predictiv modling, graph modling.
Online or In-classStarts from $5,505 -
Master ABAP programming for SAP HANA with our HA400 course. Learn to develop high-performance applications and leverage the power of SAP HANA.
ABAP programming, SAP HANA, HA400, HANA 1.0 SPS12, HANA 2.0 SPS00, ABAP code, ABAP applications, business optimization, SAP HANA knowledge, ABAP Workbench Foundations, ABAP Objects, Open SQL, HA100 course, SQL, SQL Script Basics, ABAP Programming in Eclipse, ABP programming, SAO HANA, H400, HANNA 1.0, HANNA 2.0, ABP code, ABP applications, SAP HANNA.
Online or In-classStarts from $3,303 -
If you do not have an SAP background & want to build SAP S/4HANA skills, attend this overview on SAP S/4HANA solution capabilities & business process aspects.
SAP S/4HANA, overview, training, curriculum, skills, business process, solution capabilities, entry point, basics, specific areas of interest, prerequisites, SAP background knowledge, learners, course, topics, SAP
Online or In-classStarts from $3,303 -
This course provides delta knowledge relevant for learners who are familiar with the SAP Business Suite/SAP ERP and want to up-skill to SAP S/4HANA.
SAP Business Suite, SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, delta knowledge, up-skill, entry point, curriculum, basics, learning path, user experience, SAP HANA technology, business solution coverage, business application background, business IT knowledge, SAP Business Suit, SAP EPR, SAP S4/HANA, delta knowlege, upskill, entery point, curiculum, baasics, lerning path, user experiance, SAP HANNA technology, business solution covarage, busness aplication background, busness IT knowlege.
Online or In-classStarts from $2,202 -
Attend this SAP BW310H course for a focus on the latest BW on HANA InfoProviders like Advanced DSO, Open ODS View & CompositeProvider.
SAP, BW, HANA, InfoProviders, Advanced DSO, Open ODS View, CompositeProvider, Data Extraction, Provisioning, Operational Data Provisioning Framework, ODP, Enterprise Data Warehousing, Training, SAPs, BWW, HANNA, Info Provider, Advanced DSOO, Open ODSV, Composite Provider, Data Extraction, Provisioning, Operational Data Provisioning Framework ODPF , ODPF, Enterprise Data Warehouse Training.
Online or In-classStarts from $5,505 -
Attend this SAP SCM500 course for an overview of the processes in procurement in SAP & the major business processes & functions in materials management.
SAP, SCM500, procurement, processes, materials management, business processes, supply chain management, navigation, SAP129, SAP01, SUP, SC500, procurment, proccesses, material managment, sap129, sap01
Online or In-classStarts from $5,505 -
Attend this SAP Business Suite (SAPTEC) training course & learn the technology fundamentals of most SAP applications & how SAP systems function.
SAP Systems, SAP Business Suite, SAP S/4HANA, technology fundamentals, user interfaces, SAP Fiori, SAP GUI, hands on exercises, SAP applications, SAP System Administrator, Developer, User Interface Expert, Project Manager, Program Manager, Information Technology, SAPTEC, training course. SAP Sytems SAP Bussiness Suite SAP S/4Hana technolgy fundamentalSAP Firoi SAP GUi hands-on exerciseSAP aplicatonSAP System Adminstrator Developper User Interface Expertise Project Manager Program Manager Info Technology SAPTECH traning course
Online or In-classStarts from $4,404 -
MCC201 Course: Learn how to link Salesforce data using Marketing Cloud Connect & create personalized experiences for your customers.
Salesforce, Marketing Cloud Connect, MCC201, link, data, salesforce data, marketing cloud, overview, benefits, knowledge base, personalize, digital marketing, email studio, targeted email campaigns, customer support, email addresses, integration, sales cloud, service cloud, push notifications, contact builder, filtered data extensions, customer journeys, journey builder, personalized experience, mobile studio, personalization market, saleforce, marketting, conect, dataa, overveiw, benifits, knowlege, personlize, digtal, emal, studiio, targted, campaings, customeer, suport, adress, integrtion, servce, notifictions, contct, buidler, filted, extenssions, journies, buidler, personlized, experiance, moble, personalisation.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,025 -
Learn to streamline business processes with Salesforce ADX211. Administer, extend, and automate the platform with process builder & email templates.
Administer, Extend, Automate, Salesforce, Business Processes, ADX211, marketing cloud, flow types, triggered, scheduled, approvals, process builder, field updates, business process mapping, email templates, start element, certification exam, hands-on experience, support processes, products and services, Adminester, Extent, Automat, Saleforce, Busniess Process, ADX 211, marketingcloud, aprovals, proccess builder, feild updates, buisness process mapping, email templaets, certifcation exam, hands on experiance, suport processes, products & servces.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,537 -
Master customer journey design with MKT101. Learn how to create personalized journeys for your customers to improve engagement & ROI.
Salesforce training, Building customer journeys, Analyzing customer journeys, Marketing Cloud, Digital email marketing, Successful marketing campaigns, Designing customer journeys, Executing customer journeys, Engaging target audience, Utilizing Marketing Cloud tools, Email newsletters, Managing email lists, Crafting email marketing strategies, Understanding customer personas, Customer touchpoints, Personalized journeys, Mobile optimization, Desktop optimization, Email templates, White space, Key customer touchpoints, Meaningful interaction, Comprehensive understanding, Email campaign analysis, Data-driven decisions, Marketing strategy enhancement, Marketing Cloud specialist, Business interaction. Salsforce training Marketting Cloud E-mail marketing Customer journies Persona understanding Data-driven dicisionMarketting strategy enhancement Marketting Cloud specialist Bussiness interaction
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,781 -
Learning Tree's Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM training (MB-910) provides a broad introduction to the customer engagement capabilities of Dynamics 365.
MB910, MB910, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM capabilities, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Microsft Dynamics 365, CRm, traning, MB910, customer engagment, Dynmics 365 Mrketing, Dynmics 365 Sles, Dynmics 365 Cusomter Service, Dynmics 365 Field Servce, Dynmics 365 Projct Oprations. Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM capabilities, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM capabilities, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Dynamics CRM, MS Dynamics 365, MB910, Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, training, MB-910, customer engagement, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM capabilities, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Micorsoft, Dynamic 365, CSM, capabilties, labes. Microsoft Dynamics 365, CRM, utbildning, MB-910, kundengagemang, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, CRM-funktioner, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, föreläsningar, praktiska laborationer, stavfel Micorsoft, Dynamic 365, CSM, capabilties, labes.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Learning Tree's Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP training provides a broad introduction to the finance and operations capabilities of Dynamics 365.
Microsoft Dynamics 365, ERP Training, MB-920, finance and operations, enterprise resource management, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Commerce, Dynamics 365 Human Resources, Dynamics 365 Project Operations, lectures, hands-on labs, Microsoft Dynamic 365, Enterprise resource management, Dynamics 365 commerce, Dynamics 365 Project operation
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Dynamics 365 Business Central Training (MB-800) - learn to manage your finances, automate/secure your supply chain, improve customer service, and more.
mb800, Dynamics 365, Business Central, training, small businesses, medium businesses, accounting software, enterprise resource planning, ERP, inventory, transactions, integration, line-of-business systems, reporting, logistics, scalability, mobility, cloud, financials, automate, secure, supply chain, sell smarter, customer service, project performance, optimize operations, MB-800, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft 365. Dyanmics 365, Bussiness Central, traning, acccounting software, enterprize resource planning, ERPS, avalibility, optimise, opertations, Ms Dynamics, Ms 365.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Attend this Excel data analysis course and learn advanced Excel techniques including What-If analyses & PivotTables to better analyze your data.
Excel, data analysis, course, training, hands-on, spreadsheets, What-If analyses, functions, PivotTables, advanced features, business decisions, techniques, sophisticated, manipulate, analyze, results, planning, budgeting, automate, worksheet modelsExel, Exell, Exel data analisys, data analisis, traning, handson, spredsheet, Pivot Table, advansed features, techniqes, buisness desicions, automait, workshet models
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,340 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Introduction to VBA programming course, you gain the skills to develop customized business solutions using VBA. Attend in-class or online.
VBA programming, Visual Basic for Applications, automate tasks, user interfaces, Microsoft Office solutions, productivity, Microsoft Office applications, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016, VBA programing, Visual Basic for Aplications, Microsoft Offce solutions
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Learning Tree
This Microsoft Office 365 course focuses on the collaborative features of O365 with hands-on training on OneDrive, SharePoint, Outlook, Teams & more.
Microsoft Office 365, Office 365, cloud-based service, desktop applications, mobile apps, browser-based versions, Microsoft Outlook, Office, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, internet connection, document editing, file sharing, video conferencing, remote employees, browser, phone, computermay vary
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Master Excel basics with Learning Tree's Microsoft training course. Learn to create, edit, format and print spreadsheets in this beginner-friendly course.
Introduction to Microsoft Excel Training, Microsoft Excel Training, Introduction to Excel, Excel training, Excel course, Excel tutorial, Excel basics, Excel formulas, Excel functions, Excel charts, Excel pivot tables, Excel slicers, Excel sparklines, Excel formatting, Microsoft Excel, Excel for beginners, Excel for data analysis, Excel for business, Excel for finance, Excel for accounting, Excel for productivity, Excel for spreadsheets, Excel for reporting, Excel for presentations, Excel for graphs, Excel for tables, Excel for calculations, Excel for formulas, Excel for data visualization, Excel for data management, Excel for data manipulation, Excel for data entry, Excel for data organization, Excel for data modeling, Excel for data mining, Excel for data analytics, Excel for data science, Excel for statistics, Excel for forecasting, Excel for budgeting, Excel for project management, Excel for office work, Excel for productivity, Excel for automation, Excel for macros, Excel for VBA, Excel for advanced users, Excel for experts, Excel for professionals, Excel for students, Excel for educators, Excel for trainers, Excel for consultants, Excel for freelancers, Excel for entrepreneurs, Excel for small business, Excel for large business, Excel for government, Excel for non-profit organizations, Excel for personal use, Excel for home use, Excel for hobbyists, Excel for enthusiasts, Excel for power users, Excel for all. Exel, Exell, Excle, Excil, Exxel, Exel training, Exell training, Excle training, Excil training, Exxel training, Exel course, Exell course, Excle course, Excil course, Exxel course, Exel tutorial, Exell tutorial, Excle tutorial, Excil tutorial, Exxel tutorial, Exel basics, Exell basics, Excle basics, Excil basics, Exxel basics, Exel formulas, Exell formulas, Excle formulas, Excil formulas, Exxel formulas, Exel functions, Exell functions, Excle functions, Excil functions, Exxel functions, Exel charts, Exell charts, Excle charts, Excil charts, Exxel charts, Exel pivot tables, Exell pivot tables, Excle pivot tables, Excil pivot tables, Exxel pivot tables, Exel slicers, Exell slicers, Excle slicers, Excil slicers, Exxel slicers, Exel sparklines, Exell sparklines, Excle sparklines, Excil sparklines, Exxel sparklines, Exel formatting, Exell formatting, Excle formatting, Excil formatting, Exxel formatting, Introduction to Microsoft Excel Training, Microsoft Excel Training, Introduction, Microsoft Excel, training, skills, create, edit, worksheets, formulas, functions, sort, filter, data, tables, slicers, visualise, numbers, consumable, professional, format, analysing, charting, conditional formatting, sparklines, pivot tables, Introdution, Micorsoft Excel, traning, skils, creat, eddit, worksheeets, formuls, functinos, srot, filtur, dat, tabls, slicerrs, vizualise, numbrs, consumable, profesionel, formatt, analizing, chartng, conditonal formating, spaklines, pivottables. Introduktion, Microsoft Excel, utbildning, färdigheter, skapa, redigera, arbetsblad, formler, funktioner, sortera, filtrera, data, tabeller, skärare, visualisera, siffror, konsumtionsbara, professionella, format, analysera, diagram, villkorlig formatering, gnistor, pivottabeller, stavfel Introdution, Micorsoft Excel, traning, skils, creat, eddit, worksheeets, formuls, functinos, srot, filtur, dat, tabls, slicerrs, vizualise, numbrs, konsumtionsbara, profesionel, formatt, analizing, chartng, conditonal formating, spaklines, pivottables.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,885 -
Learning Tree
Learn to design BI Data Models for Power BI or Excel dashboards in our Designing Data Models in Excel for Power BI Reports Training.
data modeling, Excel, Power BI, interactive reports, dashboard, importing data, cleansing data, merging data, analyzing data, PivotTable, business insights, management decisions, advanced Excel, data journey, strategic data, datamodeling, Exel, Power-BI, interactivereports, dashbord, importng data, cleansng data, mergng data, analyzng data, PivotTable, bisness insights, managment desicions, advansed Exel.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,885 -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day Excel Workbook course & learn to create new, well-designed workbooks, and to summarize, analyze, organize & present large datasets.
Microsoft Excel, Workbook, creating, designing, datasets, summarize, analyze, collect, organize, present, data-driven, workplace, efficient, user-friendly, features, hands-on, course, library, Microsoft Office, on-demand, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, review sessions, excle, workbok, desinging, datasests, summurize, analyz, collect, organis, present, data-drivn, workplae, effecient, user-frendly, feautures, handsn, libarary, Misrosoft Offcie, on-deamnd, ecxel, wors, powerpint, reviw sessions.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Learning Tree
Unlock the full potential of Excel with our Automating Excel with Macros training. Learn to automate tasks, boost productivity, and save time.
Excel Macro training, create macro in Excel, modify macro in Excel, enhance macro in Excel, automate Excel tasks, troubleshoot code errors in macros, log data changes in Excel, implement code from web in Excel, design user interfaces in Excel, Excel productivity, Microsoft Excel Introduction, Power Excel Analyzing Data, Excel 97, Excel 2016, Excel automation, Excel macros, Excel coding, Excel VBA, Excel automation training, Excel automation course, Excel automation class, Excel automation workshop, Excel automation seminar, Excel automation tutorial, Excel automation guide, Excel automation tips, Excel automation tricks, Excel automation techniques, Excel automation best practices, Excel automation examples, Excel automation demo, Excel automation video, Excel automation certification, Excel automation online, Excel automation offline, Excel automation learning, Excel automation education, Excel automation program, Excel automation software, Excel automation tool, Excel automation platform, Excel automation system, Excel automation service, Excel automation provider, Excel automation consultant, Excel automation expert, Excel automation specialist, Excel automation agency, Excel automation company, Excel automation firm, Excel automation business, Excel automation solution, Excel automation project, Excel automation job, Excel automation career, Excel automation salary, Excel automation resume, Excel automation interview, Excel automation test, Excel automation exam, Excel automation quiz, Excel automation practice, Excel automation challenge, Excel automation competition, Excel automation event, Excel automation workshop, Excel automation webinar, Excel automation conference, Excel automation meetup, Excel automation community, Excel automation forum, Excel automation group, Excel automation network, Excel automation blog, Excel automation article, Excel automation book, Excel automation resource, Excel automation website, Excel automation toolset, Excel automation library, Excel automation kit, Excel automation package, Excel automation bundle, Excel automation deal, Excel automation discount, Excel automation coupon, Excel automation offer, Excel automation promotion, Excel automation marketing, Excel automation advertising, Excel automation promotion. Excel Macro traning, Excel Macro trainig, Excel Macro traning, Excel Macro tranning, Excel Macro traning, Excel Macro traing, Excel Macro traiing, Excel Macro trainning, Excel Macro traning, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro taining, Excel Macro trining, Excel Macro
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Learning Tree
Maximize your understanding and usage of Microsoft Teams. Discover hidden features and boost productivity. Transform communication into collaboration.
Microsoft Teams, collaboration, hands-on approach, user tips, advanced features, productivity, design, functionality, tips, tricks, use cases, communication platform, comprehensive collaboration environment, organization, utilizing, misrosoft teams, colaberation, hnds-on approch, usre tps, avanced fetures.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Microsoft 365 Fundamentals covers an overview of cloud computing & preps for Microsoft exam MS-900 for Microsoft 365 Certified Fundamentals certification.
ms900, Microsoft 365, MS-900, cloud services, SaaS, cloud computing, Microsoft cloud services, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, on-premises services, enterprise mobility, collaboration, security, compliance, privacy, trust, subscriptions, licenses, billing, support, Microsft 365, MS900, clud services, Saas, Micrsoft cloud services, Micrsoft Azue, Offce 365, on-premises srvices, enterprse mobility, collabration, secuity, complience, privcy, trst, subcriptions, liceses, biling, supprt., ms900, Microsoft 365, MS-900, cloud services, SaaS, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, on-premises services, enterprise mobility, collaboration, security, compliance, privacy, trust, subscriptions, licenses, billing, support, Microsft 365, MS900, clud services, SaaS, Micrsoft Azure, Offce 365, on-premises servces, enterpirse mobility, colaboration, securty, complience, privcy, trst, subscritpions, liscenses, billng, suppot Microsoft 365, MS-900, molntjänster, SaaS, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, lokala tjänster, företagsmobilitet, samarbe
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Attend this Managing Microsoft Teams (MS-700) course to become a Microsoft 365 Teams Admin & achieve Microsoft Teams Administrator Associate certification.
Managing Microsoft Teams, Teams management, Microsoft Teams, Teams security, Teams compliance, Teams network requirements, Teams deployment, Teams settings, Teams policies, collaboration management, communication management, Teams architecture, Microsoft 365 integration, Teams environment preparation, Teams deployment security, Teams deployment network settings, creating Teams, managing Teams, managing channels, communication experiences, collaboration experiences, Msft Teams, Micorosoft Teams, Managing Ms Teams, Teams managment, Cmmunication expereience, collaberation management, microsoft team, ms team, ms-700, ms700, Managing Microsoft Teams, MS-700, Teams management, security, compliance, network requirements, Teams deployment, Teams settings, policies, collaboration, communication experience, Teams architecture, integration, Microsoft 365, preparing environment, create teams, manage teams, manage channels, settings, policies, Microsoft Teams, managin, Managinng, micrsoft, teamms, complience, collaberation, communcation, experiance. Hantering av Microsoft Teams, MS-700, Teams-hantering, säkerhet, efterlevnad, nätverkskrav, Teams-implementering, Teams-inställningar, policys, samarbete, kommunikationsupplevelse, Teams-arkitektur, integration, Microsoft 365, förbereda miljön, skapa team, hantera team, hantera kanaler, inställningar, policys, Microsoft Teams, managin, Managinng, micrsoft, teamms, complience, collaberation, communcation, experiance.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Learning Tree
Get ready for Microsoft exam MB-240 with our Dynamics 365 Field Service training. Learn to configure key components for mobile solutions.
Microsoft Dynamics 365, Field Service, training, MB-240, tools, identifying, scheduling, resources, managing workloads, mobile workers, configuring, components, organizational considerations, configuration aspects, bigger picture, end goals, implementations, efficient solutions, customer goals, IT professionals, large-scale customers, features, functionality, navigation, exam, MB-240, Microsft, Dynmics, Filed, Servce, trining, MB240, resorces, managng, worklods, moble, configurng, componets, orgnizational, considertions, configurtion, aspcts, biger, picure, endgoals, implimentations, effcient, solutons, custmer, IT, profesionals, largescale, featurs, functinality, navigtion, exm.
Intermediate3 daysStarts from $2,885 -
Get ready for Microsoft exam MB-310 with our Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations training. Learn to configure and use financial management components.
Dynamics, financial components, accounts payable, accounts receivable, collections, budgeting, fixed assets, functionality, accounting skills, Core competencies, Functional Consultant, discovery, requirements, subject matter experts, stakeholders, solution, applications, out of the box capabilities, codeless extensibility, integrations, MB-310, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance, training
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
This hands-on Introduction to Microsoft Access course provides experience with the features & functionality of Access 2010. Attend in-class or online.
Microsoft Access, Access training, database applications, manipulate data, perform queries, develop forms, data analysis reports, macros, SharePoint, SQL Server, Windows graphical environment, Access 2010, Access 2013, earlier versions of Access, Microsft Access, Accesstraining, data base, macross, Share Point
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Learn Microsoft Project for project management - create plans, track progress, allocate resources, and generate reports in this foundation-level course.
Microsoft Project, Project Management, Project Plans, Progress Tracking, Resource Allocation, Project Reports, Microsoft Project Training, Project Planning, Tracking Progress, Resource Management, Project Management Training, Microsoft Project Course, Project Reporting, Microsoft Project Tutorial, Project Management Software, Project Scheduling, Microsoft Training, Project Tracking, Resource Planning, Project Manager Training, Microsoft Office Project, Project Management Tools, Project Management Certification, Project Management Skills, MS Project Training, Project Planning Software, Project Management Course, Project Management Techniques, Project Management Basics, Project Management Fundamentals, Project Management Principles, Project Management Training Courses, Project Management Training Programs, Project Management Training Online, Project Management Training Classes, Project Management Training Seminars, Project Management Training Workshops, Project Management Training Videos, Project Management Training Materials, Project Management Training Resources, Project Management Training Manuals, Project Management Training Guides, Project Management Training Books, Project Management Training Tips, Project Management Training Techniques, Project Management Training Strategies, Project Management Training Solutions, Project Management Training Services, Project Management Training Providers, Project Management Training Companies, Project Management Training Institutes, Project Management Training Centers, Microsoft Project Management Training, MS Project Course, MS Project Training Course, MS Project Tutorial, MS Project Training Certification, MS Project Management Course, MS Project Management Training, MS Project Management Certification, MS Project Management Skills, MS Project Management Tools, MS Project Management Software, MS Project Management Techniques, MS Project Management Basics, MS Project Management Fundamentals, MS Project Management Principles, MS Project Management Training Courses, MS Project Management Training Programs, MS Project Management Training Online, MS Project Management Training Classes, MS Project Management Training Seminars, MS Project Management Training Workshops, MS Project Management Training Videos, MS Project Management Training Materials, MS Project Management Training Resources, MS Project Management Training Manuals, MS Project Management Training Guides, MS Project Management Training Books, MS Project Management Training Tips, MS Project Management Training Techniques, MS Project Management Training Strategies, MS Project Management Training Solutions, MS Project Management Training Services, MS Project Management Training Providers, MS Project Management Training Companies, MS Project Management Training Institutes, MS Project Management Training Centers, Project Management with Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Management Software, Microsoft Project Management Tools, Microsoft Project Management Training Courses, Microsoft Project Management Training Programs, Microsoft Project Management Training Online, Microsoft Project Management Training Classes, Microsoft Project Management Training Seminars, Microsoft Project Management Training Workshops, Microsoft Project Management Training Videos, Microsoft Project Management Training Materials, Microsoft Project Management Training Resources, Microsoft Project Management Training Manuals, Microsoft Project Management Training Guides, Microsoft Project Management Training Books, Microsoft Project Management Training Tips, Microsoft Project Management Training Techniques, Microsoft Project Management Training Strategies, Microsoft Project Management Training Solutions, Microsoft Project Management Training Services, Microsoft Project Management Training Providers, Microsoft Project
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,885 -
Master Microsoft 365 administration with our MS-102 Administrator Essentials Training. Gain skills in tenant management, identity synchronization, and security compliance for certification success.
MS 102, MS102, MS102 Administrator Essentials Training, MS 102 Administrator Essentials Training, Microsoft 365 administration, Microsoft 365 administrator certification, Microsoft 365 tenant management, Microsoft 365 identity synchronization, Microsoft 365 security and compliance, Microsoft 365 tenant, organizational profile, subscription options, component services, user accounts and licenses, security groups, administrative roles, Office client connectivity, Microsoft 365 Apps, Azure Active Directory Connect, Microsoft Entra, Connect Cloud Sync, directory synchronization options, synchronized identities, password management, multifactor authentication, self-service password management, Microsoft 365 security management, threat vectors, data breaches, Microsoft 365's security solutions, Exchange Online Protection, Safe Attachments, Safe Links, Microsoft Secure Score, Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Configure your Microsoft 365 experience, tenant subscriptions in Microsoft 365, user identity model, user accounts in Microsoft 365, user account settings, user licenses, deleted user accounts, Azure Active Directory, guest users, groups in Microsoft 365, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, custom domain in Microsoft 365, DNS zones, DNS record requirements, client connectivity, Outlook clients, Microsoft 365 permission model, admin roles, Azure AD Privileged Identity Management, tenant health, Microsoft 365 services, Microsoft 365 Adoption Score, Microsoft 365 usage analytics, incident response plan, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Readiness Toolkit, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, Microsoft 365 Apps admin center, Microsoft Viva Insights, authentication options, provisioning options, Azure AD Connect prerequisites, Azure AD Connect Health, Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync, password management, Azure AD Smart Lockout, Azure AD Identity Governance, conditional access policies, access review, sign-in logs, Zero Trust security model, Zero Trust networking, Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence, Microsoft Cloud App Security, Microsoft Secure Score, Privileged Identity Management, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Access Management, Azure Identity Protection, Exchange Online Protection, Zero-hour auto purge, anti-spoofing protection, outbound spam filtering, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Safe Attachments policies, Safe Links policies, Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph, Microsoft Threat Protection, advanced threat hunting, Microsoft Defender reports, Microsoft Defender Cloud Apps, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, device discovery and vulnerability assessment, Microsoft Defender for Office 365 protection stack, Threat Explorer, Threat Trackers, Attack simulation training, Microsoft 365 administratörs-certifiering, Microsoft 365 tenant-hantering, Microsoft 365 identitetssynkronisering, Microsoft 365 säkerhet och efterlevnad, Microsoft 365-tenant, organisationsprofil, prenumerationsoptioner, komponenttjänster, användarkonton och licenser, säkerhetsgrupper, administrativa roller, Office klientanslutning, Microsoft 365 Apps, Azure Active Directory Connect, Connect Cloud Sync, katalogsynkroniseringsalternativ, synkroniserade identiteter, lösenordshantering, multifaktorautentisering, självbetjänad lösenordshantering, Microsoft 365 säkerhetshantering, hotvektorer, dataintrång, Microsoft 365:s säkerhetslösningar, Exchange Online Protection, Safe Attachments, Safe Links, Microsoft Secure Score, Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Defender för Cloud Apps, Microsoft Defender för Endpoint, Konfigurera din Microsoft 365-upplevelse, tenant-prenumerationer i Microsoft 365, användaridentitetsmodell, användarkonton i Microsoft 365, användarkontoinställningar, användarlicenser, raderade användarkonton, Azure Active Directory, gästanvändare, grupper i Microsoft 365, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, anpassad domän i Microsoft 365, DNS-zoner, DNS-postkrav, klientanslutning, Outlook-klienter, Microsoft 365-rättighetsmodell, administrativa roller, Azure AD Privileged Identity Management, tenant-hälsa, Microsoft 365-tjänster, Microsoft 365 Adoption Score, Microsoft 365 användningsanalyser, incidentresponsplan, Microsoft 365 Apps för företag, Readiness Toolkit, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, Microsoft 365 Apps admin center, Microsoft Viva Insights, autentiseringsalternativ, provisioningalternativ, Azure AD Connect-förutsättningar, Azure AD Connect Health, Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync, lösenordshantering, Azure AD Smart Lockout, Azure AD Identity Governance, villkorliga åtkomstpolicyer, åtkomstgranskning, inloggningsloggar, Zero Trust säkerhetsmodell, Zero Trust-nätverk, Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence, Microsoft Cloud App Security, Microsoft Secure Score, Privileged Identity Management, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Access Management, Azure Identity Protection, Exchange Online Protection, Zero-hour auto purge, anti-spoofing-skydd, utgående spamfiltrering, Microsoft Defender för Office 365, Safe Attachments-policys, Safe Links-policys, Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph, Microsoft Threat Protection, avancerad hotjakt, Microsoft Defender-rapporter, Microsoft Defender Cloud Apps, Microsoft Defender för Endpoint, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, enhetsupptäckt och sårbarhetsbedömning, Microsoft Defender för Office 365 skyddsstack, Threat Explorer, Threat Trackers, Attack-simuleringsträning
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,895 -
Gain essential skills to become a Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer with our MS-721 course. Learn networking, telecommunications, MS Teams deployment, & more.
MS-721, MS 721, MS721, Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer, networking, telecommunications, audio/visual and meeting room technologies, identity and access management, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams Phone, meetings, certified devices, Microsoft Teams Rooms, Surface Hub, Microsoft Teams admin center, PowerShell, Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro Portal, Call Quality Dashboard, PSTN connectivity, Microsoft Calling Plans, Operator Connect, Teams Phone Mobile, Direct Routing, Teams meetings and calling, Teams Phone deployment, Microsoft Teams Room for Android, Microsoft Teams Rooms for Windows, Teams network requirements, Teams Network planner, Teams Network Assessment Tool, Optimize network and WiFi for media flow, Configure and deploy Teams Phone, emergency calling addresses, Microsoft Calling Plan numbers, Operator Connect, Audio Conferencing, Communication Credits, Session Border Controller (SBC), advanced voice routing, provision users, number translation, dial plans, Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA), third-party policy-based compliance recording, third-party contact center solutions, Voice Bots, Microsoft 365, Configure auto attendants and call queues, Teams phones, Teams displays, Teams Rooms Pro Management Portal, Microsoft 365 tenant, room mailbox properties, Troubleshoot Teams devices, Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer Certification, Exam MS721, Exam MS 721, MS721, MS 721, Microsoft role-based certification exam, Samarbete Kommunikationssystem Ingenjör, nätverk, telekommunikation, ljud-/bild- och mötesrumsteknologier, identitets- och åtkomsthantering, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams Phone, möten, certifierade enheter, Microsoft Teams Rooms, Surface Hub, Microsoft Teams administrativa centrum, PowerShell, Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro Portal, Call Quality Dashboard, PSTN-anslutning, Microsoft Calling Plans, Operator Connect, Teams Phone Mobile, Direct Routing, Teams möten och samtal, Teams Phone-implementering, Microsoft Teams Room för Android, Microsoft Teams Rooms för Windows, Teams nätverkskrav, Teams Network planner, Teams Network Assessment Tool, Optimering av nätverk och WiFi för mediaflöde, Konfigurera och implementera Teams Phone, nödanropsadresser, Microsoft Calling Plan-nummer, Operator Connect, Audio Conferencing, Communication Credits, Session Border Controller (SBC), avancerad röstvägledning, tilldela användare, nummeröversättning, röstplaner, Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA), tredjepartsbaserade regleringsinspelningar, tredjeparts kontaktcenterlösningar, Voice Bots, Microsoft 365, Konfigurera automatsvar och samtalsköer, Teams-telefoner, Teams-skärmar, Teams Rooms Pro Management Portal, Microsoft 365-hyresgäst, egenskaper för rumspostlåda, Felsökning av Teams-enheter, Samarbete Kommunikationssystem Ingenjör-certifiering, Exam MS-721, MS-721-examen, MS721, MS 721, Microsofts rollbaserade certifieringsexamen
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Boost Microsoft 365 skills: Master productivity with our 1-day Copilot course featuring labs & coaching. Ideal for IT & business pros. Sign up now.
MS-4006, MS 4006, MS4006, data security and compliance, microsoft copilot, team training, data compliance, copilot for microsoft, team course #, instructor - led training, microsoft partner, security and compliance features, learning tree, data protection regulations, general data protection regulation, portability and accountability act, health insurance portability, insurance portability and accountability, california consumer privacy act, accountability act hipaa, european union, payment card industry data, industry data security standard, card industry data security, consumer privacy act ccpa, cyber threats, table of contents, data governance, access control, data protection regulation gdpr, manage data, customer data, united states
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,011 -
Enhance your Microsoft 365 data security skills with the official Microsoft Purview Essentials Securing Data in Microsoft 365 (SC-5003) training course.
applied skills, (SC5003), (SC 5003), (SC-5003), data loss prevention measures, prevent data loss, microsoft sentinel, microsoft security, microsoft purview sensitivity labels, microsoft partner, information management, custom sensitive information types, microsoft purview extension, sensitive content, data loss prevention dlp, office 365, preventing data, access controls, dlp solutions, learn details about signing up and trial terms, start now at the microsoft purview compliance portal trials hub, microsoft purview solutions trial, 90-day microsoft purview solutions, organization manage data security, additional purview capabilities, data security and compliance, explore how additional purview, solutions trial to explore, e5 customer, customer use the 90-day, critical data, machine learning, microsoft purview information protection, real time, Microsoft Purview training, Microsoft Purview course, Microsoft Purview certification, Microsoft 365 data security training, Microsoft 365 data security course, Microsoft 365 data security certification, SC-5003 training, SC-5003 course, SC-5003 certification, Microsoft Purview utbildning, Microsoft Purview kurs, Microsoft Purview certifiering, Microsoft 365 datasäkerhetsutbildning, Microsoft 365 datasäkerhetskurs, Microsoft 365 datasäkerhetscertifiering, SC-5003 utbildning, SC-5003 kurs, SC-5003 certifiering
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Learn to craft effective and contextual prompts for Microsoft Copilot across Microsoft 365 applications. Ideal for all users looking to improve productivity and content creation.
ms-4005, ms4005, ms 4005, Microsoft Copilot training, Effective prompts for Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 productivity tips, Microsoft Copilot effektiva prompter, Microsoft 365 produktivitetstips, microsoft copilot training, team training, copilot for microsoft, microsoft data & ai, content creation, copilot in microsoft, microsoft 365 tenant, course name, training outline, team course, search engines, target audience, team members, types of content, generated content, keyword research, good idea, learning objectives, content creator, creating a course, step by step, content marketing, kind of content, potential customers, social media platforms, content creation process, high level, online learning, table of contents, customer service
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Training course to learn to optimize productivity with Copilot for Microsoft 365. Empower your workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365.
Copilot for Microsoft 365, MS-4004, productivity optimization, delivery methods, training prerequisites, training information, course outline, introduction, functionalities, best practices, effective prompt creation, plugins, Microsoft Graph connectors, use cases, Executives, Sales, Marketing, Finance, IT, HR, Operations, Microsoft 365 apps, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Loop, Excel, Whiteboard, Bing, OneDrive, real-world scenarios, hands-on exercises, AI capabilities, business chat, workflow enhancement, ethical AI, project planning, market analysis, financial analysis, HR management, operations planning, challenge use case, team skills enhancement, BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscription), Copilot för Microsoft 365, MS-4004, produktivitetsoptimering, leveransmetoder, förutsättningar för utbildning, utbildningsinformation, kursöversikt, introduktion, funktionaliteter, bästa praxis, effektiv promptskapande, plugins, Microsoft Graph-kopplingar, användningsfall, Verkställande, Försäljning, Marknadsföring, Finans, IT, HR, Drift, Microsoft 365-appar, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Loop, Excel, Whiteboard, Bing, OneDrive, verkliga scenarier, praktiska övningar, AI-kapaciteter, affärschatt, arbetsflödesförbättring, etisk AI, projektplanering, marknadsanalys, finansanalys, HR-hantering, driftsplanering, utmanande användningsfall, förbättring av teamfärdigheter, BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscription)
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,011 -
Enhance your endpoint security with Microsoft Intune and Microsoft Copilot for Security. Learn advanced threat detection and integration.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,182 -
Enhance your skills in configuring and governing entitlements with Microsoft Entra ID. This 1-day hands-on course covers access reviews, privileged access tools, and monitoring access events.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Learning Tree
Learn to manage and secure devices with Microsoft Intune. This 3-day course covers device enrollment, configuration, security, and compliance.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,885 -
Unlock AI mastery in 1 day with our Copilot Foundations course. Learn to create & use copilots effectively.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,182 -
Learn to build connectors and plugins for Microsoft Copilot in this 1-day hands-on course. Ideal for beginners. No coding experience required.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,182 -
Learn to build custom AI copilots with Microsoft Copilot Studio in this 2-day hands-on course. No coding required. Enhance with Power Automate.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,340 -
Master AI security with Microsoft's SC-5006 course - a day of expert-led training and practical skills.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,182 -
Learn to build AI-powered apps with Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Integrate AI, ML, and more in this hands-on, 1-day intermediate course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Attend this official 1-day, Microsoft Power Platform training course & prep for exam PL-900 & achieve Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals certification.
pl900, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Dataverse, Power BI, Business Intelligence, Dashboard, Power Automate, automation, training, capabilities, business value, products, Microsoft Power, PL-900, Microssoft Power Plattform, Pawer Automat, Buiness Intelligence, Powwer BI, pl900, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Dataverse, Power BI, Power Automate, business value, product capabilities, create, connect, build, automate, Microsoft, PL-900, training, Microsft, Powr Platform, Powr Apps, Dta verse, Powr BI, Powr Automate, busines value, product capabilites, connct, bild, automte Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Dataverse, Power BI, Power Automate, affärsvärde, produktfunktioner, skapa, ansluta, bygga, automatisera, Microsoft, PL-900, utbildning, stavfel Microsft, Powr Platform, Powr Apps, Dta verse, Powr BI, Powr Automate, affärsvärde, produktfunktioner, anslut, bygg, automatisera.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
This Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant training course will teach you to use Microsoft Power Platform solutions to simplify, automate, and empower business processes.
pl200, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Power Virtual Agents, Microsoft Dataverse, AI Builder, connectors, portals, training, functional consultant, hands-on, discovery, requirements, subject matter experts, stakeholders, translations, configure, solutions, apps, labs, application enhancements, user experiences, systems integrations, data conversions, process automation, visualizations, Microsft Power Platfrom, Pwer Apps, Pwoer Automate, Power bii, Power Virtaual Agents, Microsoft Data Verse, AI Bildar.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,895 -
Learn to build Power Apps, Automate Flows & solve complex business problems in this course.
pl400, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Automate Flows, extend the platform, business requirements, solve complex business problems, optimize operations, simplify, automate, transform, business tasks, processes, PL-400, Microsoft, developer training, hands-on labMicrosft, Powr Platfrm, Pwer Apps, Autmate Flows, extnd the platfrm, busines requirments, complex busines problems, optmize oprations, simplfy, automte, transfom, busins tasks, proceses, pl400, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Automate Flows, platform extension, business requirements, complex business problems, optimize operations, simplifying, automating, transforming, business tasks, processes, Microsoft Power Platform Developer Training, PL-400, Power Platform Developer, hands-on labs, business solutions, workflow automation, data visualization, user interface, data integration, data analysis, custom connectors, custom controls, custom connectors, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps, Automate Flows, plattformsutvidgning, affärsbehov, komplexa affärsproblem, optimera operationer, förenkla, automatisera, transformera, affärssysslor, processer, Microsoft Power Platform Developer Training, PL-400, Power Platform Developer, hands-on labs, affärslösningar, arbetsflödesautomatisering, datavisualisering, användargränssnitt, dataintegration, dataanalys, anpassade anslutningar, anpassade kontroller, anpassade anslutningar,
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,895 -
Learn about Solution Architect decisions in implementation, including security, integrations, Power Apps and Power Automate architecture.
pl600, Microsoft Power Platform, Solution Architect, Training, implementation, security, integrations, Power Apps architecture, Power Automate architecture, advanced, decisions, PL-600, solutions, architecting, design, development, deployment, automation, workflows, Power BI, Power Virtual Agents, Power Apps portals, Power Apps portals, Power Platform Administration, Power Platform Developer, Power Platform Fundamentals, Power Platform Functional Consultant, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker, Power Platform App Maker. Micosoft Power Platform Soluition Architect Traning implimentation integrashions Power Apss architecture Power Automat architecture desisions solutios arhitecting desing developement deploymnet Power B Power Virual Agents Power Apss portals Power Platform Adminstration Power Platform Developper Power Platform Fundametals Power Platform Funcional Consultant Power Platform App Maker, pl600, solution architect, implementation, security, integrations, Power Apps architecture, Power Automate architecture, Microsoft Power Platform, PL-600, training, advanced training, decisions, Power Platform Solution Architect Training, Power Platform Solution Architect, Power Platform, architect training, platform training, Microsoft training, security training, integrations training, Power Apps training, Power Automate training, advanced training, implementation training, PL600, PL-600 training, PL 600 training, Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect Training, Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect, Microsoft Power Platform training, Microsoft Power Platform architect training, Microsoft Power Platform implementation training, Microsoft Power Platform security training, Microsoft Power Platform integrations training, Microsoft Power Platform Power Apps training, Microsoft Power Platform Power Automate training, Power Platform architect decisions, Power Platform implementation decisions, Power Platform security decisions, Power Platform integrations decisions, Power Platform Power Apps decisions, Power Platform Power Automate decisions, soluton architect, solutio architect, solutin architect, implimentation, integratons, PowerApps architecture, PowerAutomate architecture, Microsoft Power Platfrm, PL600, PL-60, PL-060, PL 60, PL 060, Microsoft Power Platfrom Solution Architect Training, Microsoft Power Platfrom Solution Architect, Microsoft Power Platfrom training, Microsoft Power Platfrom architect training, Microsoft Power Platfrom implementation training, Microsoft Power Platfrom security training, Microsoft Power Platfrom integrations training, Microsoft Power Platfrom Power Apps training, Microsoft Power Platfrom Power Automate training. lösningsarkitekt, implementering, säkerhet, integrationer, Power Apps-arkitektur, Power Automate-arkitektur, Microsoft Power Platform, PL-600, utbildning, avancerad utbildning, beslut, Power Platform Solution Architect Training, Power Platform Solution Architect, Power Platform, arkitektutbildning, plattformsutbildning, Microsoft-utbildning, säkerhetsutbildning, integrationsutbildning, Power Apps-utbildning, Power Automate-utbildning, avancerad utbildning, implementeringsutbildning, PL600, PL-600-utbildning, PL 600-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect Training, Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect, Microsoft Power Platform-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platform-arkitektutbildning, Microsoft Power Platform-implementeringsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platform-säkerhetsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platform-integrationsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platform Power Apps-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platform Power Automate-utbildning, Power Platform-arkitektbeslut, Power Platform-implementeringsbeslut, Power Platform-säkerhetsbeslut, Power Platform-integrationsbeslut, Power Platform Power Apps-beslut, Power Platform Power Automate-beslut, stavfel soluton arkitekt, solutio arkitekt, solutin arkitekt, implimentation, integratons, PowerApps-arkitektur, PowerAutomate-arkitektur, Microsoft Power Platfrm, PL600, PL-60, PL-060, PL 60, PL 060, Microsoft Power Platfrom Solution Architect Training, Microsoft Power Platfrom Solution Architect, Microsoft Power Platfrom-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom-arkitektutbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom-implementeringsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom-säkerhetsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom-integrationsutbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom Power Apps-utbildning, Microsoft Power Platfrom Power Automate-utbildning.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,885 -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Power BI course, you will gain the basic skills and knowledge to manage and analyze data in Power BI.
Power BI, Microsoft Power BI, Power BI Training, data analysis, data model, data visualization, Power BI desktop, Power BI service, Power BI server, data sources, CSV, XLS, Data Analysis Expressions, DAX, Power Query, reporting, custom visuals, Dashboards, Reports, collaboration, sharing, scheduling, Power B, PowerBI, PowerB, Microsoft PowerB, PowerBI Training, data analisis, data modle, data vizualization, PowerBI desktop, PowerBI service, PowerBI server, data sorces, CVS, XLS, Data Analisis Expressions, DAX, Power Qury, reportng, custom vizuals, Dashbords, Repots, collabration, sharring, schedulling.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,885 -
Learning Tree
Learn DAX from beginner to intermediate level. Covers syntax, structured writing, Data Analysis, and DAX Studio. Start your journey now.
DAX, Power BI, Data Analysis Expressions, syntax, structured, DAX editor, DAX Studio, functions, iterator functions, statistical functions, Calculated Columns, Tables, Measures, Quick Measures, DAX Context, CALCULATE function, Data Model, Date Dimension, Time Intelligence Functions, Row Level Security, Dac, Power Pi, Data Anlysis Expressions, sytax, struktered, Dac editor, Dac Studio, fuctions, iterater fuctions, statstical fuctions, Calculated Colums, Tabels, Mesures, Quick Mesures, Dac Kontext, CALCULAT function, Data Modle, Date Dimention, Time Intelligance Fuctions, Row Lvel Security.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,340 -
Learn best practices for Power BI with PL-300 Microsoft training. Align business and tech requirements.
PL-300, PL300, PL 300, PL30, PL 30, PL-30, DA-100, DA100, DA 100, DA10, DA 10, DA-10, 8430, Analyzing Data with Power BI Training, 20778, Power BI, data analysis, modeling, visualization, data sources, security standards, policies, reports, dashboards, sharing, content distribution, paginated reports, workspace, inclusion, Power B1, data analyse, vizualization, secruity standards, polices, repots, dashboads, paginated repots, PL-300, PL300, PL 300, PL30, PL 30, PL-30, DA-100, DA100, DA 100, DA10, DA 10, DA-10, 8430, Analyzing Data with Power BI Training, 20778, Power BI, data analyst, training, course, modelling, visualising, analysing, data, access, process, sources, relational, non-relational, security, standards, policies, datasets, groups, managing, deploying, reports, dashboards, sharing, content distribution, paginated reports, workspace, inclusion, business requirements, technical requirements, best practices, implementation, publishing, Power BI service, data sources, content distribution, data security, data visualization, data analysis, data modeling, data processing, Power BI spectrum, Power BI training, Power BI course, Power BI training course, Power B, Powr BI, Powr B, Data analist, trainig, modling, visualizing, analizing, securty, stadards, polices, dashbords, paginated, requirments. Power BI, dataanalytiker, utbildning, kurs, modellering, visualisering, analys, data, åtkomst, process, källor, relationella, icke-relationella, säkerhet, standarder, policys, dataset, grupper, hantering, distribution, rapporter, instrumentpaneler, delning, innehållsdistribution, paginerade rapporter, arbetsyta, inkludering, affärsbehov, tekniska krav, bästa praxis, implementering, publicering, Power BI-tjänst, datakällor, innehållsdistribution, datasekretess, datavisualisering, dataanalys, datamodellering, dataprocessering, Power BI-spektrum, Power BI-utbildning, Power BI-kurs, Power BI-utbildningskurs, stavfel Power B, Powr BI, Powr B, Dataanalysator, träning, modellering, visualisering, analys, säkerhet, standarder, policys, instrumentpaneler, paginerade, krav.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,885 -
Learn to manage Power BI platform in your org. Configure access, monitor usage, and manage licenses. Join our Power BI Admin training today!
Power BI, Microsoft Power BI, BI platform, manage, administrator, configure, access settings, users, monitor, usage, organization, license, Power B1, Microsft Power BI, B1 platform, administrater, acess, lisence
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Learn advanced data modeling & shaping in Power BI with DAX formulas & Power Query M language in this course.
Power BI, advanced data modeling, shaping, data analysis expressions, DAX, Power Query M language, data modeling techniques, shaping techniques, advanced data modeling techniques, advanced shaping techniques, data modeling course, shaping course, Power BI course, Power BI training, data modeling training, shaping training, DAX formulas, Power Query M language training, data shaping, data modeling and shaping, advanced Power BI techniques, Power BI data modeling
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,340 -
Learn advanced Power BI visualization techniques, including report layouts, design patterns, and best practices for creating great reports and dashboards.
Power BI, advanced visualization, reports, dashboards, expert, course, layouts, agile process, data visualizations, design patterns, best practices, authoring, great reports, great dashboards, Power B1, advancd visualization, repots, dashboard, expret, coures, layots, agil process, data vizualizations, desing patterns, best practises, authouring, gret reports, gret dashboards.
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Learn to use Microsoft Power BI dashboard in one day. Build your own data reports and dashboards with instructor support.
Power BI, Microsoft Power BI, dashboard, training, workshop, navigate, use, build, data reports, dashboards, instructor, Power B1, Power Bl, Powr BI, Microsft Power BI, dashbord, traning, workshp, navgate, bild, data repots, dashbords, instrctor
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
In this Power BI Paginated Reports Training course, you will learn how to create, publish, and distribute paginated reports in Microsoft Power BI.
Power BI, Paginated Reports, Training, Create, Publish, Distribute, Microsoft, Hands-On, Report, Data, Analysis, Visualization, Business Intelligence, Analytics, Dashboard, Mis-spellings Powr BI, Paginatd, Traning, Distribut, Msft, Hand-On, Reprot, Visualisation, Busines Intelligense, Analytix, Dasboard
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,340 -
Learning Tree
Watch and perform exercises to connect to 7 million records from various sources, refine the data in Power Query and import the tables into Power BI.
Power BI: Hands-On Reports and Dashboards, Power BI: HandsOn Reports and Dashboards, Power BI HandsOn Reports and Dashboards, Power BI, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, reports, dashboards, training, exercises, connect, refine, Power Query, import, tables, organize, model, data, summary information, visualizations, dynamic, publish, workspace, app, distribute, share, Power B1, Power B1 Desktop, Power B1 Service, repots, dahsboards, traning, excercises, connet, refien, Power Qury, impot, tbaels, oragnize, modle, dat, summery information, visulizations, dymanic, publsih, workspcae, ap, distirbute, shrae.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,340 -
Candidates for this Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer (PL-500) course automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks using Microsoft Power Automate.
PL500, Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer, PL-500, automate, time-consuming, repetitive tasks, process documentation, design, develop, troubleshoot, evaluate, solutions, business workflows, administrators, deploy, production environments, support, Micorsoft Power Automate, Power Automat, RPA Develepor, PL 500, worflows, PL500, Microsoft Power Automate, RPA Developer, PL-500, automate, time-consuming, repetitive tasks, solution requirements, process documentation, design, develop, troubleshoot, evaluate solutions, business workflows, business stakeholders, administrators, deploy solutions, production environments, support solutions, Microsft Power Automate, RPA Develper, PL500, automte, time-consumming, repetative tasks, soluton requirments, proces documentation, desgn, develop, trouble shoot, evaluat solutions, busines workflows, busness stakeholders, adminstrators, deplpy solutions, production envirnoments, suport solutions. Microsoft Power Automate, RPA-utvecklare, PL-500, automatisera tidskrävande och repetitiva uppgifter, lösningens krav, processdokumentation, designa, utveckla, felsöka, utvärdera lösningar, affärsprocesser, affärsintressenter, administratörer, distribuera lösningar, produktionsmiljöer, stödja lösningar, stavfel Microsft Power Automate, RPA Develper, PL500, automte, time-consumming, repetative tasks, soluton requirments, proces documentation, desgn, develop, trouble shoot, evaluat solutions, busines workflows, busness stakeholders, adminstrators, deplpy solutions, production envirnoments, suport solutions.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Learning Tree
Master advanced Power App techniques with our in-depth training on Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps & SharePoint List Forms. Online & in-person options available.
Advanced Power Apps Training, Power Platform, Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps, SharePoint List Forms, Power Automate, Dataverse, Custom Controls, JSON, Online Training, In-Person Training, Course 1542, App Development, Power Apps Techniques, Adavnced Power Aps Training, Pwoer Platfrom, Cnavas Apps, Mdoel Drvien Apps, ShraePoint Lsit Forms, Pwoer Automate, Dtaverse, Cusotm Cotnrols, JSNO, Onilne Traniing, In-Pesron Traniing, Cours 1542, App Develpoment, Pwoer Aps Tehcniques
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,340 -
Learning Tree
Master advanced Power Automate techniques with our in-depth training on business logic flows, Dataverse, custom connections, and more. In-person & online options.
Advanced Power Automate Development, Power Platform, SharePoint Lists, Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps, Dataverse, custom data connections, flow actions, JSON, business logic flows, audience targeting, user permissions, Power Apps, Power BI, On-Premise Data Gateway, Learning Tree course 1542, Microsoft 365, Power Automate Training, Advancd Power Automate Developmnt, Power Platfrm, SharePont Lists, Canvs Apps, Model Drivn Apps, Dataverze, custom data conection, flow actionz, JASON, business logic floes, audience targetng, user permissins, Power Apss, Power B1, On-Premise Data Gteway, Learning Tree course 1532, Microsoft 356, Power Automte Training
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,340 -
Gain hands-on experience creating and managing Canvas Apps using Power Apps in this 1-day intermediate course. Learn to build custom apps for any business scenario.
Applied skills, applied skill, pl7001, pl 7001, pl-7001, Power Apps canvas app creation, Power Apps development, custom app development with Power Apps, Power Apps canvas app management, Power Apps for business, Power Apps canvas app creation, Skapa canvas-appar med Power Apps, Power Apps development, Utveckling av Power Apps, Custom app development with Power Apps, Anpassad apputveckling med Power Apps, Power Apps canvas app management, Hantering av canvas-appar med Power Apps, Power Apps for business, Power Apps för företag, canvas app in power apps, power apps canvas apps, power apps app, power apps data sources, custom app development, create a canvas app, power automate and power bi, data model, introduction to power apps, create an app, create customized, business processes, sql server, mobile device, business requirements, app designer, business data, store data, high level, data management, data structures, data types, microsoft dataverse, build an app, building custom apps, business rules, programming language, database designers, app maker, power apps studio,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Gain hands-on experience with Power Automate to build workflows and automate processes across your organization. Learn to create, manage, and share automated workflows with this intermediate, 1-day Power Automate course.
PL-7002, PL7002, PL 7002, applied skills, applied skill, microsoft power platform, power automate flow, power apps, applied skills, business process flow, microsoft partner, cloud flow, using power automate, create a flow, role - based certification, power platform, process flows, power bi, customer service, drag and drop, microsoft power automate, team member, office 365, steps to create, microsoft dataverse, cloud based, automating repetitive, microsoft dynamics 365, automate repetitive tasks, microsoft power apps, real time, process improvement, easy access, create custom, send an email
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
This intermediate, hands-on course teaches you to build model-driven apps using Microsoft Power Apps and Dataverse, covering data modelling, form modifications, and app configuration.
Appllied skills, applied skill, PL-7003, PL7003, PL 7003, Power Apps, Dataverse, Model-Driven Apps, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps kurs, Dataverse utbildning, Modellstyrda appar, microsoft power platform, power apps and power automate, applied skills, microsoft power apps, microsoft partner, skill sets, solutions in power apps, specific skill set, model - driven apps, world skills, business processes, customer service, app development, apps and power, microsoft products, user interface, microsoft dataverse, business data, power apps and power, business applications, automated processes, soft skills, common data service, security roles, create custom, developing solutions, time management, job descriptions, work experience, communication skills,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Hands-on course for IT admins to deploy, manage, and secure Azure Arc-enabled servers in hybrid and multicloud environments.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $1,075 -
Learning Tree
In this four-day Power Apps Power Automate Training course, you will learn how to create low-code custom business applications and automate processes.
Nintex courses, Nintex, PowerApps, Power Automate, training, course, learn, create, no-code, low-code, custom, business applications, automate, processes, SharePoint Power Users, Site Owners, PowerApss, PowerAutomat, traiining, busines, appplications, proceses
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Learning Tree
In this Microsoft SharePoint 2016 training, you will learn how to create, manage, and customize content within the SharePoint platform.
SharePoint, Microsoft SharePoint, SharePoint training, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint online, SharePoint tutorial, SharePoint platform, SharePoint collaboration, SharePoint document management, SharePoint customization, SharePoint access, SharePoint content management, SharePoint administration, SharePoint development, Sharepoint Sharpoint, Share pont, Shairpoint, Sharepointt, Sharepoitn.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Microsoft SharePoint Training, you will learn how to create, manage, and customize websites using SharePoint Online.
Microsoft SharePoint, SharePoint Online, SharePoint training, SharePoint course, SharePoint tutorial, SharePoint certification, SharePoint classes, SharePoint workshop, SharePoint lessons, SharePoint education, Microsoft SharePoint Online, SharePoint collaboration, SharePoint content sharing, SharePoint website management, SharePoint customization, SharePoint administration, SharePoint development, SharePoint implementation, SharePoint navigation, Sharepoint, Share point, Share-point, Microsft SharePoint, Misrosoft SharePoint, Shairpoint, Sharpoint, Shar point, Share poin, SharePoint trainig, SharePoint trining, SharePoin.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Learning Tree
This Introduction to SharePoint 2019 gives a comprehensive overview of the on-premise platform. Learn to create, manage, & customize its new features.
SharePoint, Microsoft SharePoint, SharePoint 2019, SharePoint training, SharePoint course, SharePoint overview, SharePoint features, SharePoint collaboration, SharePoint document management, SharePoint information access, SharePoint solutions, SharePoint customization, SharePoint organization, Windows, Office, web, on-premise platform, SharePoint platform, SharePoint deployment, SharePoint security, SharePoint modern approach, SharePoint streamlining. Share Point, Microsft Sharepoint, Sharepoit, Sharepoint 2019 training, Sharepoint course.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,450 -
Learning Tree
This 5-Day Sharepoint 2019 Training brings together an OnPrem environment with the rich features and applications enjoyed by SharePoint Online/O365.
SharePoint, OnPrem, SharePoint Online, O365, Configuration, Implementation, Integration, Modern infrastructure, Supporting infrastructure, Install, Prerequisites, Databases, Software, Online tenant, PowerPlatform, PowerApps, PowerAutomate, PowerBI, Windows Server Administration, SharePoint Introduction, Server Administrators, Database Administrators, SharePoint Architects, SharePoint Developers, Exam, Learning Tree, Sharepoint, OnPre, Shrepoint Online, O36, Windwos Server Administration, SharePoint Inroduction
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,895